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Saturday, November 19, 2011

You're Smart?

U can be smarter but trying to behave like that when you're not and how u try to show ur that smart makes u look like an idiot.Come as you are !
twitter: quoted by umismoviebox

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Please Follow!

Geri Dönüşüm Kutusu: A Man and A Wolf: My poor wolf lies on the snow He waits for his end Once in a lifetime he saw the moonlight A man with no ruth fired his riffle The wolf lo...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check this blog and you can win a free prediction!

First watch "Predict Your Fortune" video and thumbs up please ^__^ then leave a comment in that blog!You can win a free prediction!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Twilight or Thrillight

I hate this movie it thrills me,so bad,so teeny and actors have same behaviours.Sorry but muscles,kid-cuteness,biting your lip don't make u an artist at all.Sorry for fans :) I like the parody of twilight,actors are better and the movie is much more better.The story of Twilight can make an influence by it's own but I can say I want my hours back!Because it was out of my super taste lol.Sorry for the bad opinions haha!

Monday, May 23, 2011

2012 ?

What do you think about 2012?2013?2014? We all know that world can end even now,why to predict a date?What would it change if we're all going to die?Well,curiousity!I hope 2012 will be a new beginning for all humankind.If it's the end,I don't think John Cursack can save us,wish he could! :P


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
Dalai Lama

My favorite pictures taken by me


I just watched the movie inception again and this movie really makes me think about dreams.Have you ever had a dream in your dream?I did once.I had a nightmare in my dream and then I woke up from my nightmare in my dream.Finally I opened my eyes and woke up.This was really interesting.You have a dream in a dream...It's just like a reflection in a mirror and you have to break a mirror to wake up.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dalai Lama Quote

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.


Yesterday,we had a big earthquake...It wasn't scary much as we got used to here but it just shocks you,after all of the mess occured in Japan.Normally,I like earthquakes,they are fun as long as nobody is injured.
Have you ever checked how many volcanos became active?It's just making me think...Is 2012 will happen?yeah,if it is,life is still beautiful and we still have time to have fun ^^ I don't believe earth will end up but human beings can come to an end like dinasours...Nothing is impossible,right?So get ready we still have one year lol!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf meinem Blog! Thank you!

Thank you!
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baie dankie!
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May 21st HA HA HA!

I really laugh at that!Why?Just think!Some people have "the end of the world" everyday!Think about hungry children,people who suffers from disorders,people who are desperate,children who have seen wars and lost their relatives,murdered people's relatives...
Life is a gift,but we don't use it well.Some of us are really lucky and some people have to fight for something everyday!So LET ME TELL YOU,someone is dying every single day!May 21st is the end of the world?Maybe it's a new beginning.
If everyone is going to be happy,I hope it is the last day on earth!If it's not,please think about people who suffers everyday and live your life well,help people.So we can say,it will be the last day of the ex world,where big fish eats the little fish and it will be the first day where people help each other.
This is my opinion.I think everybody on earth must have equal rights and we must respect each other as someone can't be lucky as you.If the world ends I will be cheering because all of this mess will be gone and everybody will be equal.
I don't believe in religion either as long as it discriminates people.Why you have to be in a religion because you're born in it's district?I hope you understand.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm deciding which country to live in...

I decided to leave my own country when I'm graduated from my college.I think I can't make my dreams come true here.I don't know,I can't get enough so I have to sail away!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dalai Lama - Quote of the Day

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama

Origami Time!

New Movie!

Please follow me on youtube!

Spring Fest

Tomorrow,spring fest begins at our college and I'm really excited about it!!!I'll be doing lots of origami-lotus flower and I will serve tea and we are going to present tea ceremony!I'm really happy!!!I'll be touring the whole college with my Yukata!Also tomorrow some famous people will be in our college.I don't care about it but I'm sure I'm going to make a sense lol...Also what we earn will be sent to Japan!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Check this out!
My new movie about the paranormal activities and I will also combine my own story and my imagination.Script and more photos,also crew will be available soon on the blog.Visit my blog,youtube and please contact me if you have an idea.
Rather than making videos about poltergeists(which I have lots of experience)is not ok for me and people can call it "fake" I decided to combine my own story and imagination.I will be publishing my real stories on this blog too.Please check this out and follow me on youtube too!Thanx!

Please watch the trailer of my new sims 2 movie :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

I hate when...

I hate when
you think you're the centre of the universe
you're the most courageous and smart person living on earth
you don't respect others' idea
you discriminate people
you abuse your wife,darling
you cheat
you give negative energy
you brag
you think you are always right
you lie
you waste
you're hazardous to nature
you hit a woman
you are a racist
you are religious and don't respect other religions
you say "loser" to someone
you gossip to death
you try to steal someone's bf/gf
you ask me when I'm gonna get married
you ask me when I'm gonna have a bf
you ask me when I'm gonna get graduated
you say I deserve better but you do the worst
I can't write what I want
I can't say my opinion freely because of you're identity

I let Him Go/Look to Writer Spirit Blog for more!

Let Him Go
I had a chance of my lifetime
I let him go
I'm not regretful
Because I had to let him go

I let him go to a better one
She can play music fine
So I can only whine
Soon I let him go

I don't want to love anymore
I'm afraid to show
How it begins and ends
Ruins my temple of love

I let him go to a better one
She can cook like a chief
So I didn't wait a second
I knew that I had to let him go

She can write better love messages
She's a brave one
I'm so shy to show my feelings
So I let him go to her arms

I can not teach him to love
She teaches so well
Her life is excellent and mine is just like a hell
So I had to let him go to heaven

My hair is curly
Her hair is lovely
I'm out of being thin
She's a little bit thin ofcourse she will win!
So I let my heart break down as I let him go

I let him go to a lovely person
He can chat more about his hobbies
She can watch football with him
I can't handle even only one scene
So I let him sail away

Let My Tears Dry

Let My Tears Dry at first
It's a fresh and hot pain yet
I can't fight with all of my senses
It makes me slow down all day

I can only see a world of blur
My imagination is drying
But these tears are not dying
So let my tears dry at first

I wish I would know
How to love like others
I can't wear one of these masks
Oh,I wish I was more clever

When I fall in love
My world is a rainbow
I wish it never ends
But my world is a sufferland

Why don't you let my tears dry at first
So I can have more tears to drop for tomorrow
As my world is always dying for crying
Don't let the rain melt my heart this time

Are You Still Racist?

Racism must die!We have only one world and none of us are perfect.Discriminating people as groups because of their status,religion,choices,genders,colour is so cruel.
Put yourself in their shoes!
You would be one of them that you make fun of and you discriminate.If you're lucky to live in a country which has a high reputation or if you're colour,gender,status and etc. makes you feel better that doesn't mean you're perfect or lucky and better.There are many people who make fun of Asians for an example: Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean,Egyptian and etc.So where you're from is not important as long as you are a nice person.Every country has weird,ugly,stupid,bad people.Aren't you become a person you hate by discriminating people?We're all equal.You have no difference with temporary things.Your money can't make you intelligent,smart or whatever.It only can make an illusion.If you say someone is a dumb because of their nationality what you become?A perfect person?No!You are the copy of Hitler then!Every country has a good and bad past and every country has finicky and dirty people.You're religion is not the one on earth,there are choices as you can choose one.There are different colours in our world can you let one colour go?If all the people were looking same,what would be your difference?You'll get respect by respecting others."These people are dumb"No!How can you generalize people?
No matter who you are,at least try to respect others.You can never know who is more clever,better and good.Maybe 1 person can beat 10 people in your country.Don't become a racist,world is for us,all of us must respect to each other.I know it won't happen now,but after time I believe racism will die.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm writing a book :)

I'm so excited and I will focus on writing a book,first I will publish in my new blog and then I will write more.I have to begin with a little step to reach my dream "being a writer"

Sushi Party

I had so much fun today,we ate sushi and ramen.I love some of the Japanese foods such as Sukiyaki,ebi rolls(sushi),tempura nom nom nom lol...Would you like to have one?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Justin Bieber Interactive Game

Umm..There are 2 sections love or hate guess what I chose (^__^)''

I love to hate you lol <3

Dear Earth /Find more in my other blog"writer-spirit"!

Dear Earth
For a piece of paper
We're making you cry everyday
You are so beautiful in every way
Even trashes and radiation hurts your soul
We are still letting you bleed

For a piece of paper
We're cuting off your lungs
We're making you beg time after time
And even all of these you still serve us

Save the Earth!Save the Nature!

Umi Chan

What do you think about lady gaga?

Do you find her successful?I like some of her songs but not lyrics as I found them sexual generally,but born this way is ok or paparazzi but some songs of her is not for me.Aaaand wearing different things don't make you different,not unique.She is on news with her outfit.I hope she can help world like Angelina Jolie.I don't know being on news with weird clothes is nothing,but I appreciate her consolence and helps for Japan.I hope it's true!Thnx for reading it :P

It's raining mud hallelujah!

Omg!It's raining mud outside,I'm so lucky that I am sitting in my sweet home.I hope God helps homeless people.I dedicate this song which is written about them:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


hvordan går det? :)) Thank you Denmark for visiting my blog!!!
Oh!!Special thanx to people from USA! ^^


My presentation was good and I got 100 (AA+) :D

How to Make a Turkish Coffee

Follow me on youtube!Thanx for watching!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Magic Fortune Cookie Time!!!

Here is my fortune cookie:

Pick one:

Please join the poll on the left!


I don't give a #!@* about it!

I really don't care that:what you spend on your clothes,shoes,bags,socks,your awesomeness,beautiness,cosmetics,dates,friends or how many fans you have.I only care if you have a brain to understand,appreciate,be trustworthy,
create,keep the balance of justice,yay...

No more Facebook!

I just closed my facebook account because I began to feel like my social life,privacy is under control.

What do you think about fortunetellers?

Hmphh...I don't believe there is a fate as long as I can control myself lol.I think there is a fate maybe there are signs as birthday,death day etc.But when thinking you're not going to drink water and then you think if this is my fate I can change it with drinking water.Then you drink and bang!Drinking water is your fate?I know it sounds stupid,but I think that I won't go to any fortuneteller anymore(I did lots of times) because I began to feel like if I know what's going on how can I live in excitement?Do they know everything?Well,it's a good guess maybe ;)

This is My Bird Pikachu

Follow me on youtube!Thanx!!!


Our lives are so easy for the past lives.I mean communication,fast foods,transportation and etc.I sometimes wish that lived in the past.I know there were wars and sicknesses but the world was more green,beautiful,people were enjoying getting around together so on...Nothing on earth gives me the happiness of harvesting the veggies or fruits you planted,fresh air,sea view...Yes,there are many happiness but I mean where all these things have gone?Living in a city,with crowd,traffic jam...oh,I think I want to live in a semi quite rural place.Because we can't understand our missios well,as long as we're busy with these.Have you figured out there are not much writers such as Dostoyevski,Tolstoy?Have you figured out there are no Nietsche,Descartes anymore?I don't know we forget about the EARTH as we're really concerned with our lives.Don't you wonder what we lost?You know what is it?Patience and respect.

Be my first follower and I will dedicate my Origami video for you

Why not?

Watch these movies before you die!

#5 Wall-e

#4 Dances With wolves

#3 Seven Samurai

#2 Shawshank Redemption

#1 The Last Samurai

*cheers*200 views!!!(Hmm...Not much but first you have to be happy with least right!



If you like my blog please follow me or leave a comment.Thanx!

I love this song,thanx to my friend for sharing this song in his page :)

One of the Izmir/Oren-Milas Folk Song(I love Izmir) ^^

Easy Origami Video (Not mine)

Learn origami!

I love Origami because it just takes away all of the stress.Hmmm...I know how to make lotus flower,fish,seahorse and butterfly.It's not that hard.Soon I'll put an origami video to my youtube channel,I'm going to show you how to make a lotus flower!Stay in tune.I also plan to put a make up video but I don't think I can challange with Michelle Phan lol (I'm more beautiful by the way,wtf I'm talking about!Origami-Michelle Phan???Out of connection.Ok,bye ) :))

I'm unlucky!

I sometimes really can not understand that why love hates me that much!I really have a bad luck!Oh...It begins like a rainbow and ends up like a hail omg...
Now it's the time I'm going to get my revenge yay! Love the love
Love the hate
Hate the love
Love to hate
Is that my fate?

Oh come on!There must be "someone" I must be ok with?No?Hmphh.

"Desperate Umi Chan" New Episode on Umi Chan's blog !!!lol
Stay in tune,sorry for this madness,I just miss to love :P
So take care of your beloved ones! ;)

I saw a UFO

3 days ago I saw a really big ufo!It was semi transparent and was like cloud!OMG!Exciting but I got scared :/ I feel like somebody's watching us :O I hope War of the worlds won't happen!!!!!!

Watch my new video and you can follow me on youtube!

I hope you like it!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hi,I'm back!Oh I have a really interesting news for you!Please stay in tune!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My new blog...
I love to write but as an amateur still...Please check it anytime you want to ;)
Have a nice day!