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Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 21st HA HA HA!

I really laugh at that!Why?Just think!Some people have "the end of the world" everyday!Think about hungry children,people who suffers from disorders,people who are desperate,children who have seen wars and lost their relatives,murdered people's relatives...
Life is a gift,but we don't use it well.Some of us are really lucky and some people have to fight for something everyday!So LET ME TELL YOU,someone is dying every single day!May 21st is the end of the world?Maybe it's a new beginning.
If everyone is going to be happy,I hope it is the last day on earth!If it's not,please think about people who suffers everyday and live your life well,help people.So we can say,it will be the last day of the ex world,where big fish eats the little fish and it will be the first day where people help each other.
This is my opinion.I think everybody on earth must have equal rights and we must respect each other as someone can't be lucky as you.If the world ends I will be cheering because all of this mess will be gone and everybody will be equal.
I don't believe in religion either as long as it discriminates people.Why you have to be in a religion because you're born in it's district?I hope you understand.

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