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Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Aliens' Astronomy Lecture

Once upon a time there was a planet named Earth and a dangerous species were living in it.Nature and these species were always in a struggle.The name of these species was "human".They were destroying the forrests,spreading dirt to sea and they tried to make air pollution.They didn't know the value of nature till the day everything was over.
Before that time,they developed technology to become asocial but connect the world in an other way,building high buildings to show their strength,they were thinking how to destroy each other with atomic bombs,wars and ilnesses...
Time after time these species not knowing the value of nature destroyed their own planet.Fortunately,they had no time to build up a spaceship to go to another planet.So they were the worst species ever lived on a planet.Not to generalize it a wise man said "This world is not ruined by human but money;the most evil invention, destroyed our planet.When we had a natural wealth we chose to destroy the best."
Now,your assignment is to create a virtual planet and think how you can recover this planet's...I mean Earth's condition.Human beings were intelligent but why they didn't see they can't do without nature,did they suicide?

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