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Friday, December 10, 2010

New Photos that I've taken


Have you ever seen an Ufo?I think I did!When I was a child a little spaceship moved like crazily in front of my window.My family and one of my friends saw it too.It had a triangle shape and made a triangle in the sky.Maybe that's the way of them to leave a message or beaming.
I saw another last summer.It was so sparkling and got lost very quickly.
I believe them as we believe we exist.Why not?I wonder when we're going to see them and visit them!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Like a lonely Spirit

Spirits of night dances wild
Lonely world sleeps
As my spirit shouts in silence
All of the madness collapse on me

Ruins of love and ruins of life
Burns with the fire of hate
Nothing on earth can make me believe
Everything is going to be all right

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Second Biggest Dream

My second and the biggest dream is to become a worldwide author.Oh,too hard I know.As I know everything begins with a small step.I will take this step from now on.I'll be an amateur but will write no matter how hard it is.Actually writing is really easy but the main idea is what to write.I have lots of ideas and I want to know if my sentences can affect someone's opinions.Who knows who I'm going to be?Soon I will share my e-books and poems.Please follow me and leave a comment.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Aliens' Astronomy Lecture

Once upon a time there was a planet named Earth and a dangerous species were living in it.Nature and these species were always in a struggle.The name of these species was "human".They were destroying the forrests,spreading dirt to sea and they tried to make air pollution.They didn't know the value of nature till the day everything was over.
Before that time,they developed technology to become asocial but connect the world in an other way,building high buildings to show their strength,they were thinking how to destroy each other with atomic bombs,wars and ilnesses...
Time after time these species not knowing the value of nature destroyed their own planet.Fortunately,they had no time to build up a spaceship to go to another planet.So they were the worst species ever lived on a planet.Not to generalize it a wise man said "This world is not ruined by human but money;the most evil invention, destroyed our planet.When we had a natural wealth we chose to destroy the best."
Now,your assignment is to create a virtual planet and think how you can recover this planet's...I mean Earth's condition.Human beings were intelligent but why they didn't see they can't do without nature,did they suicide?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Advice for a perfect skin! / Mükemmel bir cilt için tavsiye!

Even you're a man or a woman,you have to take care of your skin.Your skin needs care as your brain needs cells.It's cold outside or it's too hot?This is a perfect way to save your skin!There is a really easy way to protect it!
ps:Please be sure that you don't have an allergy to any item,or know your skin type before you apply this!Thank you!
First:Clean your face with water and do not use towel!
Second:Wait your face not to get dry and apply your usual cream and your tonic...
Third:Cut cucumber into really small pieces and put it to a bowl also add half cup olive oil on to it.Add two-three drops milk and water.Mix them all and put it on your face with a cotton.Wait 5 minutes.Then DO NOT erase it to a towel or cotton,wash your face then apply tonic and your face cream.Finally wash your face and you'll see your face will be shining ;)


Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Choice

When everybody tries to find out the truth
I just want to go and hide among my dreams
Want to feel free when they are focused on empty things
Which can not fulfill your dreams

Beat the defeat when you have time
You can do whatever you want to
Achive your dream when you have a chance to
Love when you have a heart to love still

It's not like crossing an ocean with your eyes closed
It's like you know that you can never ever do but you try to
Make someone love you is the hardest step to take to
When time is not a friend of you.
©D.E.(written by me)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Dog's Love/Bir Köpeğin Sevgisi

(The dog in the picture is just an example,looks like my friend.)EN

I remember when I was a little child,I had a great friend.He was a player,loyal and a cute friend of mine.I met him when we went to our summerhouse.He was alone,his owners weren't there so I took care of him till they came there.They were not happy from that situation as my friend were loyal to me more than to them.When everybody was chilling near pool and going out to the beach I spent my time with him.We played and we spent good time.He showed me animals could love you more than a human.He was a cute puppy when we met and I gave all of my love to him as he did.We became friends as in the movie of "Leslie"...Time passed so quickly and I had to leave.
In the following years I didn't see him as his owners moved out.I grew up and time passed quickly again.
One day a miracle happened,the owners came back with him!I asked what happened to him and they got really surprised by my question.The owner said that he was in front of me.There were many dogs playing on the ground at that time but I saw him.I got dissapointed as he grew up and became a dangerous dog.Because I wanted to find him as in my memories.The owner said to me don't get near to him,he is agressive and dangerous.I said no!
He was sitting and looking around when he saw me.I was afraid to go near him because I thought he won't remember me.A miracle happened and he remembered me after all of this time!The agressive dog went away and my cute puppy came back!He ran to me and I could read his happiness from his eyes.Who is agressive?My cute puppy and I played a lot again and we were really happy to meet again.Now as we sold our house I don't know what happened to him but at least I know he is in a farm,playing around and he knows that there is a human remembers him.Friendship of a dog...Friendship of an animal...Even they are dangerous or agressive won't forget you,when you care them...When you love them as a part of you.Take care of your animal,take care of the pets outside!At least you can share your sandwich or give them some water!They won't forget your face!

For Grandpa and Uncle

I lost my uncle a week ago on 11 October 2010 and I want to dedicate this song both for grandpa and my uncle.We lost him from cancer.At least I'm happy his pain ended up...Rest in peace...

Quotes about Life

Life can be distant to you
When you need her most to save you
Among the ashes of memories
We keep hanging on

When you want to hide in your dreams
Reality teases you more
When you want to run
Time puts a barrier

Pain can't beat love
When heart is dedicated to someone
If there is a storm
We will face it own by own.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Favorite Songs Top List! / Favori Şarkı Listem!

The song that makes me smile:
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
The song I love to sing:
Against All Odds
The song makes me feel powerful:
Bon Jovi-It's My Life
I want to learn how to sing:
Guns'n Roses-Don't Cry
If I could only show my love with a song that would be:
1.When Will I See You Again?
2.Gary Moore-Falling in Love With You
3.Ain't No Mountain High Enough
4.Metallica-Nothing Else Matters
5.Greeeen-Ai No Uta
6.Bon Jovi's beautiful songs(I love all of them-can't choose haha!)

The song describes me well:
1.Bon Jovi-It's My life
2.Savage Garden-The Animal Song
3.Savage Garden-Crush and Burn
4.Foo Fighters-Learn to Fly
5.Enigma-Return to Innocence
6.Kill Bill Soundtrack-The Lonely Shepherd
7.Kill Bill Soundtrack-Don't let me be Misunderstood
8.Guns'n Roses-Don't Cry

For Meditation:
1.The Last Samurai Soundtrack
2.Kitaro-Buddha Bar IV -Tibet
3.Kitaro-Heaven and Earth(My favorite one)
4.Zen Garden-?
(I'm adding the last one's video here ^^)
Please listen this perfect song!They have awesome songs!Here it is Pucaramanta!


I only wanted one thing to happen through my life that much.It was going to Japan.My spirit was haunted by the love of Japan three years ago when I was in the darkness.As it would be an ordinary sentence but Japan was my light,was my candle when I was drowning in the middle of darkness.
It wasn't easy for me to go there.I had to deal with many problems,especially I had to save money to go.
This summer after my fight against my family and friends I achived it finally.Noone really thought that I could make it because they thought it was just an ordinary dream which was going to be forgotten.No!I decided it and made a good effort to achive my dream.Soon everyone accepted my dream and I got the support and the power to go!Oh my God!I remember the flight!It was really long and I saw Japan under my feet.I wanted to cry like a child.Soon we landed to Tokyo.My heart was beating terribly and I got dizzy!
Life can be really interesting when you start to believe your dream and fight for it!I really enjoyed the tour and everything.I can say almost everything what I learned about Japan was totally wrong!I got really surprised because I didn't see any weird thing except "cosplay people",women with black gloves,walking style of the Japanese people.Everything was really cool and extraordinary!I really love Japan haha!


Hayatımda bir şeyin gerçekleşmesini hiç bu kadar istediğimi hatırlamıyorum.Japonya'ya gitmek...Japonya sevgisi ruhumu sardığında karanlığın ortasındaydım ve üç yıl önce gideeğime hiç inanmasam da Japonya benim için bir ışıktı karanlığın ortasında.
Japonya'ya gitmem hiç kolay olmadı.Problemlerle yüzleşmek zorundaydım ve özellikle ekonomik durumum müsait değildi ki gidebilmek için yemeden içmeden kestiğimi bilirim.
Gitmeye karar verip gitseydim eminim bu kadar sevmezdim Japonya'yı...Hem eşsiz güzellikler hem de mücadele vererek hayalimi gerçekleştirmek biraz daha fazla sevdirdi Japonya'yı bana.Açıkça şunu diyebilirim ki Japonya'da garip kıyafet giyen yani cosplay(anime karakterleri gibi giyinen)insanlardan,dirseğe kadar uzanan siyah eldiven giyen bayanlardan(güneşten korunmak daha doğrusu bronzlaşmamak için siyah eldiven takıyorlar) ve garip ama sevimli yürüyüş tarzlarından başka benim garipsediğim bir durum olmadı.Şunu belirtmek isterim lütfen kurallara uyun!Kurallar altın değerinde onlarda!
Tokyo'ya varırken ve Japonya ayaklarımın altındayken size hissettiklerimi en güzel kalbimin dışarı fırlayacağından korkmam olarak anlatabilirim sanırım.Başım döndü,ruhum huzura ermiş gibi kuşlar kanatlandı içimden...Tarif edilemez mutluluklar ülkesi!Japonya'yı hergün daha fazla seviyorum ve bana hayatımın en güzel günlerini yaşattığı için oradaki mistik güce teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.Unutmadan söyleyeyim Japonya'da aşk başkadır ;) haha!