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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Twilight or Thrillight

I hate this movie it thrills me,so bad,so teeny and actors have same behaviours.Sorry but muscles,kid-cuteness,biting your lip don't make u an artist at all.Sorry for fans :) I like the parody of twilight,actors are better and the movie is much more better.The story of Twilight can make an influence by it's own but I can say I want my hours back!Because it was out of my super taste lol.Sorry for the bad opinions haha!

Monday, May 23, 2011

2012 ?

What do you think about 2012?2013?2014? We all know that world can end even now,why to predict a date?What would it change if we're all going to die?Well,curiousity!I hope 2012 will be a new beginning for all humankind.If it's the end,I don't think John Cursack can save us,wish he could! :P


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
Dalai Lama

My favorite pictures taken by me


I just watched the movie inception again and this movie really makes me think about dreams.Have you ever had a dream in your dream?I did once.I had a nightmare in my dream and then I woke up from my nightmare in my dream.Finally I opened my eyes and woke up.This was really interesting.You have a dream in a dream...It's just like a reflection in a mirror and you have to break a mirror to wake up.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dalai Lama Quote

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.


Yesterday,we had a big earthquake...It wasn't scary much as we got used to here but it just shocks you,after all of the mess occured in Japan.Normally,I like earthquakes,they are fun as long as nobody is injured.
Have you ever checked how many volcanos became active?It's just making me think...Is 2012 will happen?yeah,if it is,life is still beautiful and we still have time to have fun ^^ I don't believe earth will end up but human beings can come to an end like dinasours...Nothing is impossible,right?So get ready we still have one year lol!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

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May 21st HA HA HA!

I really laugh at that!Why?Just think!Some people have "the end of the world" everyday!Think about hungry children,people who suffers from disorders,people who are desperate,children who have seen wars and lost their relatives,murdered people's relatives...
Life is a gift,but we don't use it well.Some of us are really lucky and some people have to fight for something everyday!So LET ME TELL YOU,someone is dying every single day!May 21st is the end of the world?Maybe it's a new beginning.
If everyone is going to be happy,I hope it is the last day on earth!If it's not,please think about people who suffers everyday and live your life well,help people.So we can say,it will be the last day of the ex world,where big fish eats the little fish and it will be the first day where people help each other.
This is my opinion.I think everybody on earth must have equal rights and we must respect each other as someone can't be lucky as you.If the world ends I will be cheering because all of this mess will be gone and everybody will be equal.
I don't believe in religion either as long as it discriminates people.Why you have to be in a religion because you're born in it's district?I hope you understand.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm deciding which country to live in...

I decided to leave my own country when I'm graduated from my college.I think I can't make my dreams come true here.I don't know,I can't get enough so I have to sail away!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dalai Lama - Quote of the Day

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama

Origami Time!

New Movie!

Please follow me on youtube!

Spring Fest

Tomorrow,spring fest begins at our college and I'm really excited about it!!!I'll be doing lots of origami-lotus flower and I will serve tea and we are going to present tea ceremony!I'm really happy!!!I'll be touring the whole college with my Yukata!Also tomorrow some famous people will be in our college.I don't care about it but I'm sure I'm going to make a sense lol...Also what we earn will be sent to Japan!!!